“Is Anyone from Home Over Here?”
Name: Chester McConnell
Location: North Africa
Date: May 2nd, 1943
Unit: Battery “D” 68th Coastal Artillery
Dear Helen,
Just a line to let you know I am well and getting along fine. I have only been having a time trying to keep them answered, but since you never write, I thought I had better drop a few lines. The weather here has been cloudy and raining a little the last few days. Do you ever hear from Woodson or do you know where he is? If there’s anyone from around there that is over here, let me know, and what outfit they are in. Maybe I can get in touch with them. I haven't heard from Pearl for a while. Is she sick? I haven’t heard from Lawrence since he was home on furlough. I got a letter from his wife saying that he was still at the same place if there is any of my old friends comes in tell them I said, hello, and I am sorry I haven’t had a chance to write to them. Clothes for tonight school will soon be out and there won’t be any excuse that you can’t find time to write.