“Gossip Back Home”
William A Moore
Pennsylvania Gossip
Location: Camp Near Portsmouth, VA
Date: July 13th, 1862
Unit: Company E 58th Regiment, Pennsylvania Infantry
Camp Near Portsmouth, VA
July 13th, 1862
Dear Sister Orsa,
It is with pleasure that I once more take my pen in hand to write to you and let you know that I am well at present and enjoying my self as well as I can be expected. This is the fourth time that I have wrote to you since I have reenlist and [illegible] & I begin to think you do not intend to write to me again but I hope you will answer this letter as soon as you get it. The weather is very warm here this summer, but we have a beautiful camp in a nice Pine grove about a half mile from Portsmouth city.
Our 2nd train & J.B. Sartwell has received [illegible] and to day he left for home? He lives at Smethport, PA. He was a good man & we was sorry to have him leave. J. B. Hoskinson of Erie County, PA is our first Lieutenant. He is a first rate fellow & a good military man. Miss Williams that used to teach school in the Academy at Watersford when I attended school is a relative of his. I got a letter from Martin a short time ago, he was well also sister Sarah Brown’s folks.
Our people on the ring are all well this Summer. I hear from the quite often. Did you know the Holmes girls, Theresa Holmes is teaching school in PA Allegany this summer. Fiona Barnaby is teaching up at the Mill where we used to live. Orsa, was you a connect with Charles Baret? He is in General Banks division. George Baret has gone West. Hannah Coleman is married to a man at Coudersport. I have forgotten his name. Frank Coleman & Gele Holmes were married this Fourth of July. I wrote to Mother but have not heard from her yet.
William A Moore
To Orsa