“Putting an End to this Bloody War”
Pvt. Charles Canfield
Letter to Grandma
Location: Baptist Church Hospital, Alexandria, VA
Date: February 19th, 1865
Unit: Company D, 141st Pennsylvania Infantry
Baptist Church Hospital
Alexa Feb 19th. 65
Dear Grandma,
I have waited patiently for some time to hear from you - The same mail that brought yours brought one from Eliza - I had about given up the idea of hearing from mothers family again - But Eliza is very busy with her studies and pa dont get time and ma dont feel like it I suppose so they all have some excuse - Eliza wishes I was there to help her with her latin - Theyhave hardly given up the idea of my coming home this winter but they need not look any longer - A short visit home would be spent very agreeably but then the idea of coming back after I had been there a week would not be so pleasant - If I was home the first of April I dont see as I could take care of the money any better than you - I think it will be perfectly safe invested in Gov’t bonds for if the government is not safe certainly no one individual is - I guess it is the best you can do with it - So you have let the farm to Mr. Paynes folks - Well I hope they will raise a good lot next summer for produce is going to be in good demand -As to my being home before the crops are ready to harvest. I dont know as it will make any difference for you know I intend to go to college some time next fall -
It is strongly thought and not without some reason that the war will end the coming summer - I hope it may not only on account of putting an end to the bloody war and restoring our country but it will make so much better times - The poorer days and suffering and everything bears such an enormous price that is impossible to buy - I know for I have seen something of it in this city and in washington and I know that the poor people are in the most destitute condition -
Frank is such a cunning little urchin thatI should think that you would have him come over and stay with you - Suppose he would get homesick -
You must write soon
Your Grandson,